Food Noise, Hashimoto’s & Insurance Hurdles

“These medicines should be affordable and available to help prevent obesity and related diseases.”

—Ruth Ceretto

I have struggled with food noise for most of my life.

I remember as a kid sneaking food whenever anyone wasn’t looking because I was often restricted because I was never the skinny kid everyone thought I should be. From that I gained a very unhealthy relationship with food.

I became a champ at both losing and gaining as if I was a human rollercoaster. Until one day, my body stopped responding to efforts to lose weight.

I trained through martial arts and other activities. People would remark how I seemed to eat less than those around me yet all that effort would end up with frustration and eventually more weight gain. I would constantly think about planning meals. I learned through support, and an amazing medical staff, that not only am I experiencing an unhealthy relationship with food (good foods, bad foods, guilt, etc.) I also have Hashimoto’s Disease. I was eventually prescribed Saxenda.

Whoa! It was like all of the food noise went away and I was able to enjoy life for what it was.

However, sadly about a few months in, the supply was less than the great demand so it was unavailable. Around this time, Zepbound made its debut. I was thrilled.

However, my insurance company was not and they put a hiatus on cover for at least 6 months. In that time, although I tried to eat right and exercise, 20 of the 40 lbs came back on.

Thankfully about 8 months later I was finally approved for Zepbound. I was so excited. I was able to get back down and then some.

However, by November 2024 not even 4 months later, I received a letter from my insurance that they will no longer cover after January 1st although my initial approval was for a year.

I haven’t really gained any weight back thankfully as of February. However, I am right back to the stuck pattern and the food noise is back.

I am trying my best to work through all of this but I don’t understand why insurance doesn’t see how much of a life changer glp-1’s can be. You still have to put in the work but your efforts get much better supported and payoff.

These medicines should be affordable and available to help prevent obesity and related diseases.


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